We arrive for consulting at 8 am, with or without translators we share information about listening and spoken language with families and teachers. The director, the principal, all the teachers and parents welcome us with happy smiles and beautiful love. Many parents travel great distances to meet with us. Remember, this is a residential school for the province.
Jane and Joanne disappear into a little room with audiological equipment and hearing aids to test and fit children who are lucky. Not every child here has hearing aids. A large number of hearing aids was donated, but not enough for the number of children who need them. We are happy that the children who will benefit most from the technology can receive them.
Charlotte, Judy, and I figure out who lectures to whom and who consults with which children. We relieve each other alternating the tasks because the balance of theory and practice is important. Paige seems to be everywhere, trying to keep the day organized!
As we see old fashioned ways of teaching, we understand the technology and new ideas are just arriving in this lovely corner of the world. At first, I feel sad and wonder how can we help these professionals who want to make things easier and better for their students. It helps me to think of a water pitcher being filled, as we teach this week,we are offering drips.
The teachers, administrators, parents, and translators love us! That is clear. And, the love they show to each and every student, parent, and family is very clear. LOVE will guide the opportunities needed for the ideas to develop.
The school honored us with a lovely ceremony thanking us for what we did. We recieved gifts of knitted scarfs and embroided art work that the children made. We were treated to lunches and dinners at delicious restuarants. We love the people we met here in DaLat.