About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Vietnamese Banquet for the Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss

Paige Stinger and her Mobile Mission team are treated to elegant rooftop dining experience by parents of one of the students. The dad is GM at Hon Tam Sea & Sun Restaurant. We enjoy the sound of surf crashing as we gaze into a clear night sky of twinkling stars while we feast on crab, lobster, clams, fish, and of course, stir-fry rice edged with fresh cucumber, a veggie platter for me. Nha Trang has so much to offer. The best of Nha Trang is people like this and we are meeting ( and hopefully helping) many wonderful people here. hontamresort.vn

Motor Bike Ride!