About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My friend, Dung, and her family

I am lucky to visit my new friend at her house. I meet her husband and their two children. The 4 year old girl sings me a song in Vietnamese. I sing "Track Track to Boston" with her.

Do you like my hat?

This is our dear friend, Muriel, who just happened to be staying at the same hotel as we in Phom Phen and Siem Reap!
Muriel takes a photo of her friend, Ken. Do you like his hat?

This very nice guy treated four women to lunch by the pool.....

Here are four very nice women - one American with three Canadians.

Some people call this a 'tuk tuk", some a "motorized rickshaw", but it is a "romork" - got that?

Do you like our hats?

Yes, Yes, I do like that hat! and the other hat, too!

Do you like the elephant tooth pick holder?

This is what happens when you treat four nice women to lunch by the pool!
Thank you!

Mechery Floating Village

Young paddlers in the village
A crocodile farm

families live in house boats

Children attend school - floating classrooms

Kids paddle home from school wearing school uniforms

Daily work is done the way its been done for 200 years

Fishing is the main occupation in the floating village. With the new road, they can fetch higher prices for their catch.

This ditch is only two years old - what a project! And, in the rainy season, it is filled to the brim- the only dry land is the Buddhist temple.

What a pretty place. Postcard perfect!

We board this boat for the three hour tour......