About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tall Ships in Helsinki


Yikes - A Snake in the Turku Library

First, I want to tell you there is much discussion about snakes in Finland. Supposedly the islands of Uto and Noto have tons of snakes.  We need to buy boots before we visit the islands. So off to the K store we go.

"These boots are made for walking" and that's just what I do...on UTO and NOTO.

 Heart rocks are fun with red boots! Can you see the blue butterfly near my big toe ? Look closely. We are having fun photographing this butterfly and he lands right near the big toe of my left foot, so I wait until he is ready to fly away. We get some nice pictures of butterflies.

Walking in long grass  and blue berrying we are happy to have the boots. I find myself actually hoping to see a snake ( not really ! ) But, all we find, correction, all Jim finds is a snake skin on Uto.

When we ask my friend’s “twenty-something" children what they recommend we visit in Turku, they unanimously agree that the library is the place to see.

Right across the river from the art museum is the Bibliotecca. Interesting, comfortable, and stimulating as well as relaxing are words to describe this well designed building. Spacious with comfortable yellow chairs, many people seem to enjoy this space as we visit on Friday afternoon. 

The children’s section is on the first floor with large colorful animal them designed appliqued curtains.

Shadow boxes in the floor depict certain books. A stage theatre is set up with handy props. Girls sit in a window seat designed clothes for dolls referring to a book.

Wandering through book stacks we come to another sunken area with a round yellow seat. Along the back of the couch is a hand knit colorful snake with the end open and set with knitting needles inviting anyone – like me – to knit a few rows!

The lights, the windows, the feeling of open space and cozy corners make this library quite a space for reading, learning, and gathering. There is even a café in this library with tables outdoors in the courtyard.....
and, yes, there is even a snake in the Turku library!

Finnish Gum

Gum chewing is good for your brain. Many modern neurologists say chewing gum helps activate certain areas of the brain for attention and retention.

I chew gum to keep my saliva fresh for lots of talking! Ha ha – and, it helps me pay attention while reading. I also think it relieves tension when I drive.

Traveling around I usually sample the variety of gum offered. Here in Finland I find the BEST gum ever. Today my friend tells me it not only tastes good, but it good for your teeth!

Jenkki  Xylitol gum is labeled: “functional chewing gum”! Xylitol is the sugar derived from the birch trees. Finnish scientists in Turku developed this delicious gum that is actually good for your teeth! It keeps them clean.

This NPR story confirms these claims. You may have to copy and  paste into the browser:

Has anyone found this in the USA? How much should I try to bring back in my luggage?

Try to VISIT: www.xylitol.net
( you may want to find  the translate to English button )