About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Orange Day in Helsinki

I wake up thinking of wearing a plain black dress today, then say to myself;
"Oh, I feel like orange today. I want to wear my black & white stripe dress with the one solid orange stripe!"
I do not usually wear orange, so this is a little bit strange - that I even own this dress.

When we arrive in the underground dining room of this castle-like hotel, I notice a woman with an orange shirt, then a kid with an orange sweatshirt, then another lady with an orange top, a man with a striped polo shirt, OMG, a mother with a full length orange and white striped dress. It seems like easily one third of the sixty or so people milling around the breakfast buffet have orange on today!

When we meet a friend in the lobby who is guiding us to the Helsinki University Hospital, she has orange jeans and a Marrimekko top with orange design.

When we meet our colleague at the Ear Hospital, she is wearing a cotton orange sweater!

All day as we take buses and the metro around Helsinki, it seems like a today is a self-declared "Wear Orange Day"!

hei from Helsinki