About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Scandinavia 2013

Waiting for our flight gives me time to start blogging about our trip to Scandinavia.
Jim says; "That's our bird out there."
I look out the large corner windows of Gate A 14 Delta at Logan Airport and see a nice sized plane getting food and fuel for our departure.

This day finally arrived. I've been waiting over 40 years to visit my friend in Finland. When we were seniors at The Winsor School she joined our class for one year. Instantly we became friends. She's been back here over a dozen times since our graduation in 1970. Now that our tickets are bought, our itinerary planned, and we are on our way, I can not say what took me so long to take her up on her invitation to visit her in Turku, Finland.

We are flying to Amsterdam, then on to Stockholm for a few days before we take a ferry to Turku.
I like seeing my airplane from the window.