About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wired for sound? We teach at the school for the deaf in Saigon

On a crowded NOISY city street, we arrive at a gate with a blue sign telling us this is the school for the deaf scheduled for our next consult - Binh Thanh.
The heavy yellow gate opens and we walk in to the courtyard full of motorbikes! You will see that this is also their lunch room!

Teachers sit around a large oval table and we are introduced. These educators seem to know more about listening and spoken language than the last school we visited.

Audiology sets up downstairs in a sound proof room with no windows.
The Education team gets the conference room overlooking wires, wires, and more wires! We have windows, but all we see are wires!

We are listening to the teachers, directors, and children at this school to see how we can help.

We host a parent meeting in the conference room on the 11th floor of our hotel because the school could not be opened in the evening. About fourty parents attended.

Judy and Lea take a walk

Judy and Lea buy masks from this nice woman. Covering up the face keeps motorbike exhaust and street dust away while negotiating the speeding vehicles. Walking around the block in Saigon is very interesting - so much to see.

Dalat back to Saigon

We survived a seven hour minibus ride along narrow not well maintained roads with lots of trucks, some cars, and hundreds of motorbikes.