About Me

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Gloucester, MA, United States
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, International consultant for LSLS training and children with hearing loss, husband-wife AVCC team, mother of three amazing individuals.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

RIP Alfred Michael Donovan, MD August 21, 1920 - March 21, 2011

Jim and I sit sipping our #1 weasel Vietnamese coffee. Jim says; “Look, a cardinal!” as he points to the Ash tree right outside the window.

“Where?” I question. I am remembering how after my dad died last year, a cardinal sat on our deck railing as I wrote about my sadness.

Now I look out and find the red bird sitting close to us on the branches. “Oh, that’s my dad….” I whisper. Today is the first anniversary of my father’s peaceful passing.

As we watch thinking of dad, the bird comes closer. We sit and watch and feel…love.

Back to AVT in the USA

As parent guidance coaches in listening and spoken language, we love to take the therapy outside the AVCC office. Early spring weather makes backyard pronoun and preposition work easy and fun!Run AROUND the tree...
Follow her around the tree...
Balance on top of the log. Walk along the bench. Go ahead of him.
Go BETWEEN the forsythia, bend over, go underneath the branches....wait for her.
Oh, a wet leaf...floating on top of the water...
Look for the fish in the pond...they are down deep.
Teaching with the preschool teacher is part of AVT....she shows the kids where Vietnam is on the globe.
Quiet zone for sharing a book in the preschool classroom.

Picking a crocus, blowing a kiss, so much to listen and talk about as we share first signs of spring!

Listening and talking about 'forehead', 'chin', and 'fun' with play doh!

I am appreciating Early Intervention, Newborn Screening and Appropriate Amplification as I get back to "work which is really play" in my office.