In the seat across from me a girl writes in her notebook with great zeal. She is using a silver pen that clicks when she changes the color. I wonder what she is writing so intently at 6:20am EST as we both wait to board the United flight 835 from Boston to Chicago. The way she holds the thick silver shaft it resembles the big silver bird we are about to ride.
Jim just dropped me off at Logan. He made me coffe & oatmeal before he carried my bag to the car - thank you JIM! He forgot his cell phone so I an not call him with any detail of the check-in which all went smoothly, Thank God.
After two months of planning, I am starting my journey to Vietnam and Cambodia with a gorgeous sunrise.
Out the oval
pinks purples line the
sherbert oranges
waiting for brilliant glow
moments on the runway
like me ready for
what the sky can offer
These planes can appear so simple with their complexity hidden beneath the silver body. I am in an amazing contraption. With a few clicks and switches just like the girl with her pen - this plane takes me to see and understand another side of our world.
The engines roar and we take off. I look down and see everything familair slowly disappearing. Away to the west I fly expecting to become familiar with a new place.
The gold sun ball makes me smile as the silver wing covers it and dips - playing peekaboo with the sun - until the nose turns and we float high about the coulds to the west leaving my peekaboo partner in the east.
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